Inspire-Madison Region
Connecting Education & Industry in the Greater Madison Region
Including Columbia, Dane, Dodge, Green, Jefferson, Rock & Sauk Counties

How it Works
All public schools grades 6-12 as well all Technical Colleges in the Madison Region now have access to Inspire Madison Region through their Xello licenses. Inspire can help you as a student to...
Inspire Madison Region is a talent-development initiative that provides tools and support for educators to engage students in thinking about their careers, find relevance in what they are learning...
Employers & Career Coaches
The Madison Region is strengthening the ties between our business community, our education community and our future workforce. But, we need your help to make sure...
Inspire Madison Blog
Best Practices for Handling CBLE Requests
Best Practices for Handling Career-based Learning Experience Requests One of the great things about having a single system where students and educators can find experiential learning activities (CBLEs) is the efficiency with which connections can be made with...
Increase How Many Students Save Your Company Profile
Here are some basic tips on what you can do to increase your company's visibility and the likelihood that a student will find your company profile and save it: 1. Add more of your careers to your company/program profile. The more careers your company is associated...
How Popular is Your Business with the Future Workforce?
One of the great things about Inspire for our business partners, is that you can keep track of how many students have saved your company to their portfolios in their career exploration and planning activities. See below for how many students have saved your company....
Let's Inspire the Madison Region Together
Join a community that's helping to inspire the youth of the Greater Madison region! Employers and educators are coming together to provide the tools, guidance, and opportunities for our future talent to succeed.