by MadisonRegion | May 11, 2017 | education updates, Highlights, Inspire Experience, News
Business partner messages to you and your students, and exciting status updates in this edition!
by MadisonRegion | May 11, 2017 | business partner updates, Highlights, Inspire Experience, News
Customized Experiential Learning Activites, and Inspire in the News in this Edition!
by MadisonRegion | May 11, 2017 | education updates, Highlights, Inspire Experience, News
Helpful new Xello documents for educators and how to record Career-based Learning Activities in this edition!
by MadisonRegion | Jan 23, 2017 | business partner updates, Inspire Experience, News
We are glad to introduce a new series of tutorial videos from Xello for our Inspire business partners. Learn how to access and use the partner portal, update your company profile and answer questions from students. Click on the image below to take a look!...
by MadisonRegion | Jan 9, 2017 | education updates, Highlights, Inspire Experience, News
Click to access Inspire-Madison-Region-Educator-Partner-eNews-Edition-3.pdf
by MadisonRegion | Oct 19, 2016 | business partner updates, education updates, Highlights, Inspire Experience, News
There are over 600 occupations detailed in Xello. What follows is a list of those careers for which there is at least one career coach to answer student questions, along with the number of coaches available as of October 19th, 2016. If there are careers that students...