by MadisonRegion | Aug 22, 2016 | education updates, Highlights, Inspire Experience, Join Now, News
Please check out our first edition of Education Partners eNews here!
by MadisonRegion | Aug 16, 2016 | education updates, Highlights, Inspire Experience, News
Inspire Madison Region is all about making connections. With the help of our education, business, and community-based partners, those connections have grown over the summer months as new employers and career coaches join the network. Several new school districts have...
by MadisonRegion | Aug 16, 2016 | business partner updates, education updates, Inspire Experience, News
The Madison Region has a unique opportunity to gather data on the number and type of Career-based Learning Activities taking place throughout our region because of the reporting capabilities of the Xello system that powers Inspire. That’s why we’re excited...
by MadisonRegion | Jul 15, 2016 | Highlights, Join Now, News, Uncategorized
Check out our new registration video here:
by MadisonRegion | Jul 15, 2016 | Inspire Experience, Join Now, News
Increased Participation = Increased Value While the students are on Summer break, it’s a great time to think about your company’s strategy for participation in Inspire Madison Region this upcoming academic year . What message do you want the...
by MadisonRegion | Jun 29, 2016 | Highlights, Join Now, News
Inspire Madison Region is all about making connections. Those connections are continuing to grow over the summer months as new employers and career coaches join the network of schools, employers and community-based organizations. By creating a company...